DLI Blog

21st August, 2023

Payroll Software for Reporting and Analytics- Beginner’s Guide

In this article, the experts will go through numerous examples of payroll software for reporting and analytics and the metrics used for payroll analysis. They will also explore how to use business data to promote incentive compensation.

  1. Keep An Eye Out for Faults and Fraud

Now and again, an employee will inform you that their compensation should have been higher because they failed to include hours on their timesheet. They will occasionally notify you that they were overpaid for the week. These payroll errors aren’t a significant concern if they happen just sometimes.

However, it’s still helpful to run a report to check how frequently you run more than one payroll run every quarter and try narrowing down the problem. If you need to go through the complete payroll process repeatedly to add shifts for the same individual, they may require extra training on how time tracking works in your payroll software.

Furthermore, the time and money spent on the second and third manual payroll runs add up.

An HR software or payroll analytics report that reveals weekly pay trends for employees over time is a quick and straightforward way to detect fraud. Any significant increases unrelated to raises could result from employees reporting more hours than they worked.

The employee may attempt to conceal this by claiming they forgot to add a shift, so you don’t notice during payroll reconciliation.

  1. Contrast Revenue and Compensation Costs

When your small business grows large enough, you must begin departmentalizing. Some overhead expenditures, such as accounting and human resources, make sense to be centralized, while costs like R&D, materials, and direct labour should be charged to their respective departments.

Consider a big box retailer: the pharmacy, electronics, supermarket, and clothing sections will all have their own managers and profit and loss accounts.

When creating the annual budget, consider market research and your own experience to determine the estimated labour cost for the department. If the actual labour cost is significantly greater than it should be at the end of the year, it may be time to reorganize or lay off some employees.

On the other hand, a meagre labour cost isn’t always favourable because it could indicate that the staff in that department are overworked and ready to go.

  1. Budget For New Hires

Consider the last time you hired someone fresh for a high-level role. What factors did you consider while deciding how much to pay them? You most likely utilised a combination of what the previous individual in the position earned and what the new worker was currently earning.

This method makes obvious — you won’t be able to hire someone if you don’t pay them more than they are currently — but it’s only one aspect of the picture.

If you consistently pay more than market rates to hire new individuals, you will eventually have higher-than-market costs and cannot compete.

Each new employee who earns more than a specific salary should be budgeted for, particularly in human capital-intensive businesses.

If new hires put your labour costs much above your budget, it may not be sustainable. Consider recruiting lower-level staff who can advance to higher-level roles or outsourcing some activities to third parties.

What Exactly Do You Get When You Use Payroll Software for Reporting and Analytics?

  • Intelligent And Simple Reporting

When it comes to running your business and staying in compliance with rules, reporting is essential. The platform’s reporting and analytics capabilities guarantee you have the data you need at your fingertips.

  • Simplified Detailed Reporting and Analytics

Report scripting, illegible field labelling, and writing SQL statements are just a few of the difficulties of creating the HR and payroll data reports you require in the format you require. However, reporting is essential for staying on top of changing workforce needs and keeping an eye on the company’s bottom line.

Incorporate intelligent and user-friendly reporting and analytics capabilities into a single HCM platform. Drag-and-drop report generation and access to a library of 300+ pre-built reports are just a few of the features that make it easier than ever to retrieve the data you need and gain extensive insight into your workforce statistics.

Bottom Line

Dli-IT provides reporting and analytical tools that are simple to understand and use, even for individuals new to the data and analytics industry. Get up and running quickly with the reporting features integrated into the platform we provide clients.

To know more you can contact us at info@dli-it.com.