DLI Blog

18th August, 2022

5 Must-Have Features in Payroll Software

Payslips were created and tallied manually until software existed. After that, spreadsheets made the process of creating payslips and associated documents easier.

Payroll management software is now used by most businesses, regardless of the size. For the most accurate and timely generation of payrolls, statutory reports, salary registers, and related paperwork, you’ll need reliable payroll management software. Overall, it ought to assist you in automating time and resource-consuming procedures and saving up significant time and reducing hassle for the HR Team.

In this blog, we’ll look at some of the necessary features a payroll software must have.

1. Statutory Compliance

No matter the location, payroll management software must assist you in adhering to the legislative and legal requirements in all nations where your firm has business. Statements and reports that you could provide to the authorities should be generated by the software. Provident fund, professional tax, employee state insurance, wage protection system, and other programs should be supported by the payroll software.

2. Management Reports

The top-level management should receive information from the payroll management software to track the expense of payroll as well as make informed choices to keep it under control. The top leadership should also be informed of changes in any payroll costs, wage structures, employee attrition statistics, and other relevant information.

3. Handling of Complexities

A payroll management softwaremust be able to handle all sorts of complexities. It should consider the paid and unpaid leaves for individual employees separately, it should be able to adjust new employees joining before or after generation of a certain month’s pay slip, it must be able to revise salaries for every single employee exclusively, and more.

4. Integration with Time and Attendance Software

Payroll calculations such as late arrival, overtime, hours worked, and other factors are made using personnel clock-in and out timings. Payroll software can streamline payroll processing using attendance data thanks to integration between time and attendance management software.

5. Accessibility

The payroll management software must be accessible to employees of all departments. It should also be accessible from multiple types of devices instead of only desktops in order for employees to access and check their payrolls from anywhere and allow HR department to make any changes from anywhere.

If you’re looking for payroll softwarewith the above mentioned features and more, get one from DLI-IT group in Dubai. We offer payroll management software UAE, as well as other enterprise solutions liketime and attendance software,recruitment management software,performance management softwareproject timesheet software, and more. Get in touch with us today for more information.